Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Aaron's first post ever

I told MaryAnn a long time ago that I would contribute to this blog from time to time, but have neglected to do that thus far. Recently, I decided this blog might be a good way to practice some Korean, particularly since we found out that Rai's foster mother has been able to read it. I will start trying to translate what I can, so to any Korean-speaking folks reading this, please feel free to comment and correct me. I'm sure I will probably sound ridiculous in Korean, so we should all have a good laugh.


오래 전에 저는 저희 아내한테 이 블로그에 쓴다고 말했어요. 하지만 지금까지 안 썼어요. 하국어를 연습 하는 걸 원해서 지금 시작해요. 제가 실수하면 비평을 주세요.

아론 (이나면 애런? 어떻게 한국어로 "Aaron" 써요?)


Kim said...

Love it Aaron!! :)

Janet Johnson said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

This is what Google translate said: A long time ago, I told my wife to this blog's bulldog. But now I do not. I wanted to practice haguk Well let's start now. I make a mistake, please critique.

Aaron (Aaron, or if or how the Korean "Aaron" do you use?)