There is so much to be thankful for this year that it is hard to find a place to start this post.
I am thankful for our son whose smile makes my day and whose "umm, ummmm, ummmm" at Thanksgiving dinner is the best compliment a Mommy can ask for
I am thankful for a husband who has been a wonderful friend and has become a wonderful daddy
I am thankful for family and holidays which give us an excuse to come together
I am thankful for the memories of those who are no longer with us but have shaped our lives
My grandfather, Gordon Burnside, who was and still is my idol
Can you guess which one is me?
My Ojiichan (grandfather on my mother's side)
My Aunt Sandy who passed away one day before Rai was born. We were very close, and I would do anything to have just one more holiday with her. She would have loved Rai...
I am thankful for our furry family members who have adapted well to our newest addition and always make us laugh
Kobe and Hello Kitty have a history (see picture below...)
Kilakochan was my childhood cat who lived 14 years (long enough to see me off to college). She was the only cat I had ever seen who would walk down the street with my dog and me.
Yes, that's Lucy helping Aaron with the puzzle for Rai
I am thankful for friends old and new who go out to lunch on a whim, drop by the house just because, and send silly pictures taken decades ago when big hair and leggings were in
I am thankful for Rai's birthmother who gave Rai the gift of life and whose adoption plan brought him into our lives and for Rai's foster family who opened their hearts to Rai and us and have become an extended part of our family
Rai and his foster mother (Omma)
I am thankful for a healthy family, food in our pantry, a roof over our heads, and the love in our hearts. I am thankful for the little things which make us smile and for the big things which change our lives forever.
Have a Happy Holidays!
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